Monday, January 9, 2012

Chapter 2 - What An Understatement

As we were leaving Chapter 1 we were talking about how many miles the average person would walk in their lifetime and how their feet would be their balancers, levers and shock absorbers.

I am reminded of a song from my childhood that went something like:  The foot bone connected to the ankle bone.  The ankle bone's connected to the leg bone and so on and so on.

I have been telling people for years about how every single part of the body is affected by their feet.  Our support system begins at the ground and works it way up.  With every single step we take it effects not only our feet, but our ankles, knees, hips and back.

When most of us start to feel aches and pains we wonder why all of the sudden that happens.  People rarely think that their feet may (or may not) have anything to do with it.  And, until someone like me points it out to them few will ever connect it.

Thinking of our feet as our "Shock Absorbers" can you imagine driving down the street without shock absorbers on your car?  Can you imagine what your body would feel like after a long drive?

Can you see where the clues are leading here?  Hum, it looks like this mystery will continue. Stay tuned for my next blog.

 Comments and Feedback Welcome.


  1. I'm glad that you explained your job title. I was thinking that maybe there were a lot of very disturbed shoes out there.

  2. Thank you "TheAttitudeQueen" for your comment. I think my title grabs attention - kind of like yours (which I really like). I checked out your blog on wordpress and enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping by and come back from time to time.
