Friday, February 10, 2012

Chapter 7 - Widths

Before I start this week's blog I have to add a little story.  I pretty sure that my now you know that most places that sell shoes only carry Medium Widths.  Why you ask?  Because most people think they wear Mediums.  YES, that is correct - most people think they wear Mediums.  I, on the other hand, wear Slims.

Twice a year I like to go to the most expensive, exclusive Department Store's Shoe Department and pick out the most beautiful and expensive style in the place.  I casually walk up to the Salesperson and ask for an 8 Slim.  I love to look at that person's face as they tell me they don't carry Slims.  I shake my head as disappointed and then say "alright, how about a 7 /12 Narrow (knowing full well they don't carry it either).  I know, it's mean but it's just the way I get my jollies.

Let's get to the subject at hand now - Widths.  It is true that most people do wear Mediums but there are a lot of us out there also that do not.  Shoe Widths used to be available in A, B, C, D, E, EE and EEE, but today most manufacturers have opted to use Slim, Narrow, Medium, Wide, Wide Wide and X-Wide.  Men's widths vary from Women's widths.  A Men's Medium is actually a D.  A Women's Medium is a B.

Below is a Conversion Chart:

Again, I have to say that none of this is an exact science.  It is only a beginning point to finding the proper fit.  Some shoes run Narrow.  Some shoes run Wide.  Some people have high insteps. Some shoes run Short, and on and on and on.  That is why it is important to find an EXPERT when it comes to footwear.  An EXPERT will know which of their styles run which way and what styles will work for you.

Next week we start talking about what to look for in shoes.  As always, thanks for stopping by and reading my blogs. 

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