Monday, January 16, 2012

Chapter 3 - The Agony of deFeet


So far we have we have established that the feet are considered as the organ for locomotion and the shock absorbers of the human body.

I follow a lot of Health & Fitness Experts and Footcare Specialists on Twitter. Just a few days ago I came across a Tweet that reminded me that this is probably the best direction to continue.

It amazes me sometimes the neglect that feet get. In as much time as it takes a man to shave his face or a lady to shave her legs a little extra care can be given to those feet. Seriously, it doesn't take that long and your feet need the attention. Let's just call it preventive maintenance.


Here are the basics:

Bathe your feet daily using a mild soap. Use a pumice stone to gently remove callused skin. Rinse off all soap and dry feet thoroughly, especially between the toes. Apply lotion or petroleum jelly to feet and heels. Put on a pair of cotton socks. See, that doesn't take that long at all.

Here are a few extras:

Inspect your feet often for any trauma such as redness, blisters, cuts, cracks, swelling or color changes (especially if you are a diabetic). Do not trim or shave corns or calluses. Trim nails straight across and not too short. Do not cut out or dig at corners. Wear clean socks or stockings each day. Do not wear any that are too short or too tight. Avoid walking barefooted. Apply sunblock if planning outdoor activities.

Just a few more:

Use foot powder if your feet sweat or are prone to athlete’s foot. DO NOT USE BABY POWDER (there will be a later blog about this). Exercise regularly to maintain and improve the circulation in your feet. Do not ignore foot problems or allow them to become worse. Seek attention from your physician. It is not normal for feet to hurt.


You will see me making this statement over and over in my blogs from here on out and that is: TAKE CARE OF YOUR FEET - THEY TAKE YOU EVERYWHERE YOU GO. And remember - if your feet hurt, you hurt all over.

Stay tuned for my next blog...... Don't forget that you are welcome to leave comments





  1. I was looking for the slot to put my nickle in, but all I could find was a place to put my 2 cents in... that said, I hear ya and know you are so right... the feet hurt you hurt all over... sage words my friend.!!

    Mark K.
