Monday, January 23, 2012

Chapter 4 - Shoe Size Does Matter

I originally had the title on this one as "Does Size Matter?" but at the last minute decided to change it.  I'm sure that my original would have gotten more attention - the new title is somewhat more appropriate.

So, to get to the real subject - that is Size (of your feet). How many of you actually know your shoe size? Since the demise of most of the "Full Service" Shoe Stores and the birth of the "Fit Yourself" Shoe Stores most people have not had their feet measured since they were a child. Some people have never ever had their feet measured at all.

Size DOES matter and everyone should have their feet measured at least once a year by a professional. It doesn't matter that you have wore the same size (or thought you have worn the same size) for years. Most people's bodies have changed over the years, it stands to reason that your feet change too. Your feet continue to grow all your life and other changes occur too that might affect the size shoes you will wear.

Now if I have convinced you to have your feet measured you will need to read my next blog before you go to do it. In my next blog I will go into detail about measuring devices and how they work and how to interpret them. I am trying to keep each post short as to not bore you and to keep you coming back.

So, stayed tuned folks. Same day, same time, same blogspot next week.


  1. Here I am at 54 and find that the size shoe I have always worn is now a 1/2 size to small... Had wondered if it was my feet or foriegn made goods causing shoe sizes to change.

  2. You're not alone, other people think the same thing MusicmanM58. Most of the time it is your feet - some styles of shoes however do run short. It all depends on the last it is made on.
